Saturday, October 9, 2010

here we are again, back in Chiang Mai

golden leaves and a golden temple
on the way to the hotel
delicious food is every where
the pot dance
the mortar and pestle dance


  1. Looks fun, easy and relaxed. The "mortar and pestle dance" - what a scream! And it's dry!!! I would love to be somewhere dry, not here in this land of the rain and the mud. Was woken around 2am by heavy rain on the roof, so what else to do in the middle of the night than look at your beautiful photos [after checking the radar and seeing that this weather is with us for quite a while] and whinge and whine about the rain - flood alerts are out now. The ground is sodden and we're going to have lots of flooding, road closures, the usual north coast things. This coming weekend markets are bound to be cancelled too, which will mean three weekends in a row without income, making life very difficult for many of us.
    But that's not your problem - you got out of here in time, just, by the sound of it. Enjoy it all there. I'm green with envy, in the nicest possible way.
    Love, Lyn

  2. Hi again - have no idea why I'm "why bother" as I'm signed in with my Google account. The joys of cyberspace - maybe I'll be able to figure it out later, but until then I'll blog on as "why bother". Actually, I kind of like it - somewhat symbolic of my current life ...
    Lyn xx
